Fisker Inc. - Unternehmenslage & Aktienkurs

  • Für alles Diejenigen die noch kein Mitglied sind hier eine Einladung : die Fisker Owner Assosiation läd zu einem

    Towhall Meeting ein. Morgen Sonntag 19:30 per Twich ( Video) und Facbook ( Text)

    ———————————————————— Mailing ————————————

    Town Hall | Sunday July 7, 1:30PM EDT: FOA lawyer Daniel Shamah to talk (and answer questions about) the bankruptcy and us

    As many of you know, things are moving quickly in the Fisker bankruptcy proceedings, and FOA is in the fight to represent the rights of Ocean owners.

    This will be a long email, but the TL;DR is:

    FOA will be holding a virtual town hall meeting Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 1:30PM EDT(BST-05:00). This is the New York City time zone.

    FOA has retained Cooley, LLP to represent the interests of Ocean owners. The town hall will include an overview of the bankruptcy as well as Q&A with our legal counsel, Cooley, LLP Partner, Daniel Shamah.

    The Longer Version:

    This Sunday’s town hall will be used to update the FOA community on developments with the Fisker bankruptcy proceedings. Cooley, LLP partner, Daniel Shamah to counsel and represent the FOA in the bankruptcy proceedings. Daniel will provide background information, a status update, and lead a Q&A about the bankruptcy. Afterwards, Brandon Jones, FOA interim chairman, and FOA co-founder Cristian Fleming will answer questions about the association’s activities more broadly to keep everybody up to date on developments.

    Many of you know that Cristian has been selected by the court to sit on the creditors’ committee. You should also be aware that, on advice of counsel, at this point he cannot discuss any aspect of the activities of that committee or the case at large, so legal questions should be directed at Daniel.

    The town hall will be streamed on twitch at:

    at the following starting times:

    New York / Chicago -1:30PM EDT

    Denver - 11:30AM MDT

    San Francisco/Los Angeles - 10:30AM PDT

    London - 6:30PM BST

    Oslo / Munich / Madrid -7:30PM CEST

    We will be taking questions, so come prepared and you can ask them in the chat that accompanies the livestream on twitch. We will try our best to address everyone’s questions, but we may not be able to address them all either for legal or time reasons.

    In other news, we will soon be opening an all-things Ocean forum platform on the FOA site in the coming week. Please keep an eye out for a registration invitation.


    Brandon and the FOA Startup Team

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