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Hinweise und Diskussionen Bitte hier: Diskussion zum Ocean Engeneering Mode
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Ocean Engineering Mode Instructions
Quelle FOA Raheem Supporter
English version
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I am posting this information for the sole purpose of empowering owners and those with the technical know-how that this information will be useful. I don’t recommend going into these settings or messing with anything therein unless you’re confident you know what you are doing.
Engineering mode is/was used by Fisker techs mostly to manually update the ICC software using the USB cable that can be found on the passenger side of the car.
Additionally, you can see your car’s various software versions, debug options, and various logs.
Some other uses - When you first enter the mode, you will see your car VIN number listed. If the VIN here does not match your actual VIN, your ICC was swapped out at some point before or during your ownership. This was something we noticed on an owner’s car, and when a factory reset was done, the car reverted to that VIN settings (sequence number, region, etc.) and the tech had to rewrite the ICC to fix.
Additionally, my car would never confirm it connected to Wifi. I kept getting an error, even though my home network would show the car as a connected device. In the settings, you can go into WiFi controls and within that is a switch to turn on WiFi. If this switch is off, it doesnt matter what settings you chose from the UI, it won’t connect. Turning this on fixed my issue.
To enter Engineering Mode:
- While the car is in ready mode, click the settings cogwheel and then click on Vehicle Information
- tap where it says vehicle information next to your sequence number. Using three fingers and tapping alternatively typically will get it to work.
- A white text box will appear. Click on it and enter the following password: A6d674kqc2TN
- After typing in the password (case sensitive) use your finger and tap on the bottom of the screen, just above the volume controls on the smaller control module. You may have to slide your finger between the monitor and the volume/air conditioning panel in order to hit the sweet spot.
- Once done right, you will be taken into Engineering Mode. To exit, you hit the same button.
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