Chad Sturgill hat da etwas lesenswertes gepostet:
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Chad Sturgill steckt sehr tief in der Technik drin.
PSA: Re: My Fisker Android App
I can’t stress this enough. Uninstall the Android app if you don’t want to have issues with your car. The My Fisker Android app has a faulty implementation of Phone As Key and is causing so many issues. It will cause your PKC to puke and stop working requiring a fuse pull. What exactly will you do if the doors are locked? Well you quite possibly will need to open the hood and find the main fuse that goes to the internal cabin fuse box and disconnect that so the PKC will loose power so it will reboot. Then you may be able to get things to work and get back into your car. You may need to disconnect the battery all together and the HV Plug.
There are just too many issues with that app. It does not matter if you don’t use it. PAK sits there in the background running & crushing the PKC with bad traffic that eventually causes it to go into a crashed state that many times is only recoverable with a power cycle. UNINSTALL IT!